C Programming
- Introduction
- Data - Values or a Set of Values
- Processing - Generating Results
- Information - Processed Data
- What is a Computer
- System - Group of Units to Solve a Problem
- Program and Software
- System Software
- Application Software
- Computer Architecture
- Input Output Devices
- Central Processing Unit
- Memory
- Types of Programming
- Hardware Programming
- Software Programming
- Language Introduction
- Level of Computer Languages
- Low Level Language or Machine Language
- Middle Level or Assembly Language
- High Level Language
- Assembler
- Compiler and Interpreter
- Similarities between Real World and Computer Program
- Steps of Program
- Characteristics of a Good Program
- Problem - Doing Something
- Algorithm - List of Sequential Steps to Solve a Problem
- History of Programming language "C"
- Characteristics of C
- Block Structure of C Program
- Coding Structure of 'C' Programs
- Functions - Pre - Defined and User - Defined
- #include
- #define
- Input Section
- Process Section
- Output Section
- Output Function
- C Character Set
- "C" Tokens
- Keywords or Reserve Words
- Identifiers – Constant and Variable Name
- Constants
- Variables
- Identifier Declaration
- DataTypeModifier
- DataType
- IdentifierName
- Initialization
- Expressions
- Data and Data Types
- Integer
- Int or Signed Int
- Unsigned int
- Short OR Signed short int
- Unsigned short int
- Long OR signed long int
- Unsigned long int
- Float
- Double
- Long Double
- Character
- Signed char or char
- Unsigned char
- Data Type Modifiers
- Control Strings
- Control Strings Program 1
- Control Strings Program 2
- Preprocessor Directive
- Preprocessor Directive Program 1
- Preprocessor Directive Program 2
- Preprocessor Directive Program 3
- Literal
- Integer Constant
- Decimal Constant
- Octal Constant
- Hexadecimal
- Rules for Representing Integer Constants in a PROGRAM
- Floating Point Constant
- Fractional Form
- Exponent Form
- Rules for Representing Real Constants in a PROGRAM
- Integer and float program
- Character Constant
- Single Character Constant
- String Constant
- Backslash Character Content
- Rules for Representing Character Constants in a PROGRAM
- Punctuation
- Operator
- Unary Operator
- Binary Operator
- Arithmetic Operators
- Arithmetic Program
- Relational Operator
- Relational Operator Program
- Conditional Operator Or Ternary Operator
- Ternary Operator Program
- Who is Software Programmer
- Scanf( ) Function
- Write a Program to Read Student Age
- Write a program which number is Big
- Write a program To calculate age
- Write Scanf() Program function
- Logical Operator
- AND (&&) Logical Operator
- OR (||) Logical Operator
- NOT (!) Logical Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Increment and Decrement Operator
- Pre - Increment
- Post - Increment
- Bitwise Operator
- Bitwise XOR (Exclusive OR) Operator (^)
- Ones Complement Bitwise Operator(~)
- Right Shift Operator (<<)
- Left Shift Operator (>>)
- Comments
- Types of Instructions
- Type Declaration Instruction
- Arithmetical Instruction
- Control Instruction
- Precedence of Operator
- Type Conversion in Expressions
- Automatic Type Conversion
- Manual Type Conversion OR Casting
- Function Calling and Function Arguments
- Working With String
- gets (Array_Identifier) Function
- puts (Identifier name) Function
- Working With Characters
- getchar() Function
- putchar() Function
- getch() Function
- Formatted Input
- Formatted Output
- Working with Integer Number
- Working With Real Numbers
- Working with Character
- Working With Strings
- Control Statement and Looping
- Program Control
- Sequential Statements
- Conditional Statement
- Terative Statements
- Compound Statement or Statement Block
- if Statement
- if – else Statement
- Nested if else Statement
- if – else if – else Ladder Statement
- Switch Statement
- goto Statement
- Looping Statements
- for Loop
- Nesting of Loop
- Nesting of for Loop
- While Loop
- Do… While Loop
- break Statement
- Continue Statement
- Arrays
- Linear Arrays
- Array Value Initialization
- 2-D Array
- Initializing Value of a Character Array (String)
- Functions
- Types of Functions
- Calling Function and Called Function
- Function Definition
- Argument Variable Declaration
- Local Variables
- Return Expression
- Statement Block
- Function Prototype
- Function Without Argument And Return Value
- Void
- Function with Argument But No Return Value
- Function Without Argument But Return Value
- Recursion and Recursive Function
- Storage Classes
- Types of Variables In Program
- Automatic Storage Class
- Extern Storage Class
- Static Storage Class
- Register Storage Class
- Pointers
- Understanding Pointers
- Defining Pointers
- Accessing the Address of the Variable
- Accessing a Address Through It’s Pointer
- Pointer Expressions
- Addition and Subtraction A Number to a Pointer
- Pointer Increment and Scale Factor
- Function with Arrays
- strcat() Function
- strcpy() Function
- strlen() Function
- strcom() Function
- Working with Binary Digits
- Substraction One Pointer to another Pointer
- Comparison of Two Pointers
- Array in Function through Pointer
- Function Returning Pointers
- One Dimensional Array with Pointers
- Pointer with 2- Dimensional Array
- Array of Pointers
- Pointers and Strings
- Array of Pointers To String
- C Processor
- Directives
- Simple Macro Substitution
- Macros with Arguments
- Nesting of Macros
- Un – defining a Macro
- _LINE_and_FILE_Predefined Identifier of Compiler